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Nov 11, 20192 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #50: ‘Dear Canada, what on Earth are you doing?’
Mark Tremblay: “Dear Canada, look in the mirror. Your media is corrupt, your journalists ignore facts, your Prime Minister is a...

Oct 22, 20192 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #49: Trudeau reelected: ‘Better the devil you know’?
Judy A: I say “better the devil you know”. Going to Getugly: “Better the devil you know”. I’ve heard that line a few times from Liberal...
Sep 22, 20191 min read
Video: Trudeau and the myth of the morally superior ‘progressive’
In this video from Going to Getugly: Justin Trudeau’s black face scandal isn’t about racism. It’s about the hypocrisy of the...

Jun 14, 201911 min read
Leftist intellectual pipsqueaks have power to get you banned by Facebook.
Yes folks. The defenders of all that is moral and righteous at Facebook have once again adjudicated that Going to Getugly has...

Jan 21, 20193 min read
Let’s see how our moral superiors on the ‘progressive’ Left went out of their way
Here is a small sample of how members of the uniquely compassionate, caring, peace loving, tolerant, empathetic, inclusive, non...
Jan 11, 20191 min read
Video: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proves Peter Hitchens Is Right About The Left
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knows she’s ‘morally right’ and that’s more important than being ‘factually correct’. A self-flattering belief...

Jun 24, 20184 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #27: Propaganda trumps truth
The controversy surrounding the now infamous TIME magazine cover and the reactions to its distortion and manipulation has revealed...
Jan 14, 20181 min read
Video: ‘Shithole-gate’: CNN’s Don Lemon is a liar
#shithole #WashingtonPost #shitholegate #DonaldTrump #shithole #CNN #DonLemon

Jan 13, 20182 min read
‘Shithole-gate’: Democrats responsible for inflaming racial tensions, not Trump
Scott Adams made a great point about this that should have been obvious to all of us. First of all, assuming the accusation is true,...

Aug 27, 20174 min read
Fantasy ‘fascism’ and the totalitarian Left
We live in Orwell’s nightmare. There was yet another demonstration that turned violent this past week. This time it was in the...

Aug 25, 20171 min read
Violence and oppression…. but for all the right (or rather, Left) reasons!
Globe and Mail Article: Is violence the way to fight racism? So the peace-loving, compassionate, tolerant, morally perfect mainstream...

Jul 6, 20171 min read
So CNN went after the guy who made the Trump wrestling the CNN logo GIF. They tracked him down, found out his real name and sent him an...

Apr 6, 20171 min read
Feminists’ Secret Belief: ‘Only Men Can Make Us Happy!’
Despite what they claim, today’s feminists seem committed to re-entrenching the ‘traditional’ dynamic that sees women as intrinsically...

Jan 16, 20172 min read
‘Fake News’: Liberals don’t like having their slogan used against them
The ‘fake news’ slogan has only been a ‘thing’ since Hilary Clinton’s Democrats invented it as part of their marketing strategy to...

Nov 12, 20161 min read
A ‘Progressive’ reacts to the US election results
#feminism #SJW #politics #ABC #WashingtonPost #socialjustice #society #racism #socialjusticewarriors #politicalcorrectness #DonaldTrump...

Nov 7, 20163 min read
Mainstream media: ‘Boo hoo! No one appreciates us!’
Reid: Curse Mainstream Media (MSM) all you like, but beware the Alt-Right even more You know you’re in for some fair and balanced...

Sep 15, 20165 min read
Rebuttals of the week! #4: How do you drive ‘progressives’ crazy? Ask them to prove thei
One thing that seems to catch ‘progressives’ completely off-guard is asking them to support their opinions and assertions. You often get...

Sep 13, 20161 min read
Hillary’s health: final nail in the coffin of mainstream media
The so called ‘credible’ mainstream media not only ignored and suppressed this issue for months… they went out of their way to attack and...

Aug 29, 20163 min read
YOU’RE NEXT! The ‘politically correct’ are eating our brains!
There is something particularly creepy about the push-back against the push-back against political correctness. It’s like the...

Jul 26, 20161 min read
Quick thought: The problem with the MSM
The problem with the mainstream media is that it is populated with very conventional thinkers who have no interest in challenging the...
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