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Let’s see how our moral superiors on the ‘progressive’ Left went out of their way


Here is a small sample of how members of the uniquely compassionate, caring, peace loving, tolerant, empathetic, inclusive, non judgmental, inherently morally and intellectually superior and unfailingly correct in every perception, opinion and interpretation Trump hating ‘progressives’-Left  characterized a bunch of CHILDREN who it is now quite evident were being harassed and intimidated by two groups of grown men who were clearly bigots….

Melissa Dailey Ellsworth: These kids are garbage.

Susel Munoz: the kids were projecting themselves like little fascist Hitlers students . 

Oliver Froh: MAGA morons headed for the anti-choice march discovered they like racism too, just like their christofascist parents.

Lisa Solomon: Truth is …you have on that Maga hat, so we know what you stand for, and you’re an arrogant, disrespectful little prick

Héctor Fredes: The young prick in the red cap desperately wants a punch in the nose to wipe that smug smirk off his face.

John Moto: Give you a idea of the sort of horrible people who are right to lifers, nasty mean spirited bigots.

Deborah Burgess: Those kids are 100% revolting even their school agree they were wrong

Cindy Salinas Green” Trumpturds coming of age. Pathetic. Can’t even make it to adulthood without fckng things up. Cowards.

Heather C. Buchanan-Leek: I bet that’s what Brett Kavanaugh’s face looked like back in the day.

Erick Robinson: someone need to wipe the smile off his face

Mona Mack: Happy he was identified, i really hope colleges make a note of him too. He is Disgraceful to the Catholic Church/ school and it’s teachings.

Eddie Watson: He looks so proud doesn’t he, sadly he is, and even sadder still, his parents will have this photo on their wall in celebration of t eir and their sons’ beliefs. He just looks like a kid you’d love to smack in the mouth doesn’t he. These kids are from a religious school, the school bussed them in, not for this rally but an anti-abortion rally. But they felt comfortable doing this, which shows that they knew their school would approve. This is the America Trump is building, like everything else that bloated sexual predator builds, it’s foundations are weak, and it will end in bankruptcy, sadly that means the US has no future as a world leader for the right values. You can easily imagine this little prick wearing a Hitler Youth uniform in the 40s while attacking an old Jewish man in the streets. And being just as proud.

Former CNN contributor Reza Aslan: Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kids?

CNN legal analyst Bakari Sellers: He is deplorable. Some ppl can also be punched in the face.

Allged comedian and CNN contributor Kathy Griffin: Name these kids. I want NAMES. Shame them. If you think these f***ers wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat , think again.

Hollywood movie producer Jack Morrissey: MAGAkids go screaming, hats first, into the woodchipper.

Democrat Howard Dean: Covington Catholic High School seems like a hate factory to me. Why not just close it?

Contributor to New York Media’s pop culture site Vulture Erik Abriss: I don’t know what it says about me but I’ve truly lost the ability to articulate the hysterical rage, nausea, and heartache this makes me feel. I just want these people to die. Simple as that. Every single one of them. And their parents. Look at the shit-eating grins on all those young white slugs’ faces. Just perverse pleasure at wielding a false dominion they’ve been taught their whole life was their divine right. F–ing die.”


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