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Rebuttals of the Week #49: Trudeau reelected: ‘Better the devil you know’?


Judy A: I say “better the devil you know”.

Going to Getugly: “Better the devil you know”.  I’ve heard that line a few times from Liberal partisans over the course of this election campaign. It doesn’t exactly scream enthusiastic support.

But the most obvious thing to point out is the dishonesty of Liberal supporters relying on it as their justification for voting for Justin a second time.  If they were genuinely guided by the allegedly pragmatic ‘let’s not take a risk on the untested new guy’ approach to political choices then they would have voted for ‘the devil they knew’ Stephen Harper in 2015 rather than the glaringly under-qualified newbie Justin Trudeau. 

But it’s worse than that. What used to happen was that responsible citizens would punish inept, corrupt and dishonest leaders and governments by sending a clear message when the opportunity arose that such governance won’t be tolerated.  They would throw the bums out. They would vote for the other guy.

But now people on the Left in particular are so irrationally partisan and so mindlessly ideological that they no longer possess any capacity for perspective. The ‘other guy’ is no longer seen as simply an alternative government in waiting. He’s portrayed as evil incarnate. A monster champing at the bit for his opportunity to unleash devastation and suffering upon the country. An incarnation of pure malevolence that must be stopped at all costs.


If ever there was a time for Liberal supporters to hold their collective noses and vote Conservative it was this election. The Conservative Party under Andrew Scheer have never represented less of a distinction between themselves and the Liberals. The fact that so many Liberal voters were convinced to look at little Andy through the distorting lens of partisan propaganda and perceive him as some kind of existential threat to all that is good and true shows how open to hysterical narratives adults have become.

Liberal supporters had the opportunity to send the message  that they expect better than someone who has proven himself to be a shallow, corrupt buffoon as leader of their Party.

The message they sent instead is: ‘Shallow corrupt buffoons are what being a Liberal is all about!’


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