Scott Adams made a great point about this that should have been obvious to all of us. First of all, assuming the accusation is true, there is no excuse for Trump’s language… very dumb. But what is the responsibility of the person who takes an off-the-cuff remark made in the context of a specific discussion in a private meeting and makes it public… thereby completely changing the context?
In other words, the only person whose conscious intention in all of this was to do damage, inflict hurt and sow division was the person who leaked the comment.
It’s fascinating how we are all falling for the ruse by allowing ourselves to be totally deflected from holding to account the individual whose actions actually caused all of the harm. Despite the enthusiasm of the morally excellent crowd to rush to judgement and start chucking around the word ‘racist’… the private intentions behind an alleged comment made off-the-cuff in a private meeting, taken out of context and which we only know about as the result of claims made by Trump’s political enemies are clearly unknowable.
However, the intentions of the person who leaked the alleged comment are self-evident. It was to betray the President’s confidence and deliberately inflame the tinderbox of racial tensions and divisiveness currently consuming the US in order to hurt Trump politically. Making it public served no other purpose.
The morally outrageous offence here is not ‘racism’ on Trump’s behalf.
It is the pettiness, vindictiveness and willingness to sacrifice national and even international stability for the sake of political expediency on behalf of Trump’s opponents in the Democratic Party.
This is a level of irresponsibility and political ruthlessness that would make Machiavelli wince.
And everyone fell for it.