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Feb 28, 20183 min read
Going to Getugly Censored By Facebook For Criticizing Feminism!
Yes folks… if you are critical of feminists and mention the objective fact that they are women you will be reprimanded by Facebook, have...

Feb 16, 20182 min read
“Populism”: The latest buzz-word for failing to conform to Leftist group-think
“Countries around the world have been gripped by an incoherent, rage-fuelled nihilism that rejects elites on the left and the right. It’s...

Jan 18, 20181 min read
Telling the most inclusive, tolerant and welcoming people in the history of human civilisation how u
“It’s time the federal government designates Jan. 29 as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia so that we take the...

Jan 15, 20182 min read
Fake News: National media hypes bogus ‘hate crime’ story
(link to the story here: Reported hijab attack on 11-year-old girl ‘did not happen,’ Toronto police say ) This was national headline news...

Jan 13, 20182 min read
‘Shithole-gate’: Democrats responsible for inflaming racial tensions, not Trump
Scott Adams made a great point about this that should have been obvious to all of us. First of all, assuming the accusation is true,...

Jan 2, 20181 min read
Video: The Left Demonize People Who Can Think
New Going to Getugly video: Just as ‘progressive’-Left ideology manufactures a flattering generic identity for its adherents… it also...

Dec 6, 20173 min read
Rebuttal of the Week # 20: How genuine issues of sexual harassment become just another media-induced
Here’s the background to this ‘incident’. Six months ago, a male Canadian MP for the Conservative Party, James Bezan, was in a photo-op...

Nov 19, 20172 min read
Rebuttals of the Week! #17: Feminist bigotry and logical fallacies.
Kerry S: Cue all the men explaining why the gender pay gap isn’t a thing Going to Getugly: Kerry, care to provide some kind of rational...

Oct 29, 20173 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #15 Part 2: Lefty says Left-wing bigotry is okay because it doesn’t hurt
Here’s a quick follow up to my exchange with James from Rebuttals of the Week # 15: Lefty tries desperately to believe racism okay if his...

Oct 27, 20172 min read
Rebuttals of the Week # 15: Lefty tries desperately to believe racism okay if his side does it.
Article: Halifax music festival apologizes for ‘overt racism’ after volunteer refuses to give spot near stage to women of colour Another...

Aug 25, 20171 min read
Violence and oppression…. but for all the right (or rather, Left) reasons!
Globe and Mail Article: Is violence the way to fight racism? So the peace-loving, compassionate, tolerant, morally perfect mainstream...

Aug 5, 20173 min read
Rebuttals of the Week#11: Why ‘progressives’ hate reality
Poor old Tony Abbott just can’t catch a break it seems. He makes some completely benign, not uncommon, absolutely reasonable pro-marriage...

May 31, 20171 min read
‘Cultural appropriation’ propaganda pushed by mainstream media
Watch four of the most sanctimonious and obnoxious ‘progressives’ to ever walk the Earth lecture the ignorant masses about ‘cultural...

May 10, 20175 min read
‘Rebuttal Of The Week!’ #9: Why do people who care about the environment not care about
The Daily Wire drew attention this week to a revealing new study from the Danish Meteorological Institute. Not only does the study...

May 6, 20173 min read
‘Rebuttals of the Week!’ #8: Stephen Colbert’s joke worse than homophobic… i
I have always been a big admirer of anyone who has mastered the art of acerbic wit. The convergence of intelligence, sophistication,...

Apr 6, 20171 min read
Feminists’ Secret Belief: ‘Only Men Can Make Us Happy!’
Despite what they claim, today’s feminists seem committed to re-entrenching the ‘traditional’ dynamic that sees women as intrinsically...

Mar 29, 20171 min read
Progressive Left continues to eat itself alive!
In this video I look at how it was inevitable that an ideology based on the unquestionable credibility of infinitely finer and finer...

Mar 9, 20172 min read
Happy International Condescending to Women Day!
Another International Women’s Day has come and gone… along with any number of marches, speeches full of platitudes and bromides, a call...

Jan 21, 20172 min read
Child gives opinion on complex social issues… grownup liberals swoon
What is it about exploiting the naïveté of children that people on the ‘progressive’-Left find so appealing? The version of this video...

Jan 16, 20172 min read
‘Fake News’: Liberals don’t like having their slogan used against them
The ‘fake news’ slogan has only been a ‘thing’ since Hilary Clinton’s Democrats invented it as part of their marketing strategy to...
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