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Child gives opinion on complex social issues… grownup liberals swoon

What is it about exploiting the naïveté of children that people on the ‘progressive’-Left find so appealing?

The version of this video that appeared on my Facebook feed several times this week had been shared 84,000 times with 6.2 million views . It shows a 15 year old boy putting on an admittedly convincing performance at a Martin Luther King Day event on Monday at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where King was a pastor.

The boy is Royce Mann. In the video he is seen addressing a large audience of exceptionally enthusiastic adults – including Bernie Sanders seated in a row of honour behind the uncommonly self-possessed 15 year old. With a reasonably credible (and seemingly inevitable these days) impersonation of the speaking style of a Baptist minister, young Royce regales the appreciative congregation with a series of generic platitudes while checking-off one social justice/ ‘progressive’ talking point after another.

White bigotry against black people…check! White bigotry against Muslims…check! White bigotry against Mexicans…check! White bigotry against native Americans…check! The bigotry of parents who don’t validate the confused thinking of their children experiencing gender dysphoria…check! Don’t forget white privilege. Check and check!

Now of course, every reasonable adult knows intuitively that this boy has no idea what he’s talking about. The kid is 15 years old for God’s sake! He likely only stopped believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy within the last couple of years. Every idea, judgement and slogan coming out of his mouth has been put there by the adults in his orbit. Despite what his ‘progressive’ fanbase prefer to imagine, we are not watching some preternaturally insightful savant bestowing uncanny wisdom that transcends his years. We’re witnessing a child simply responding to positive reinforcement he has received for accurately mimicking  the political beliefs of the adults around him.

We are also witnessing a room full of grown men and women expressing uninhibited satisfaction at seeing a young boy trained like a performing seal to spout their opinions back to them. Opinions about very complex adult issues which are clearly beyond the child’s capacity to fully conceive…let alone evaluate.

That’s kind of ugly to say the least.

But astonishingly, it would appear that a lot of people out there find using a child in this manner to be absolutely adorable. People who shared the video included comments like,“OMG with kids like him there is so much hope for the future. I still have goosebumps” and “Damn tears…..amazing and on point.”

For some mystifying reason,  when people on the Left hear children parrot their ideology back to them,  it provokes a maudlin sentimentality that is so totally absorbing it pushes out any sense of responsibility they may possess for critically and objectively assessing what they are actually looking at.

As hard as it is to believe, these people simply do not reflect on the fact that nothing this child is saying could possibly have arisen out his own observation and insight. It clearly doesn’t even occur to them. Or matter.

Their calculus is much simpler than that:

ideology they support  +  cute, articulate child  =  gushing sentimentality and approval.

The kid doesn’t even have to be all that articulate (or even properly socially adjusted for that matter) as long as he’s reasonably cute and mirroring their liberal biases…. as the other viral video from the past week  featuring a politically ‘progressive’ adolescent suggests:


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