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Mar 15, 20225 min read
This week in Canadian journalists are a joke: Don't mention the Nazis!
You may have noticed that the pattern of global government narrative becomes global media narrative becomes unquestionable collective...

JM Harris
Feb 14, 20225 min read
Joyful protesters are driving the dreary establishment crazy
It's all so ironic. The people who are supposed to be the experts in media, marketing, communications and PR are making themselves look...

Jan 23, 20226 min read
Canadian journalists are a joke! January 2022
Journalists in Canada started the new year by continuing to foment division and hatred among Canadians, to normalize the idea that the...

Dec 20, 20216 min read
Canadian journalists openly revive despicable practices from history
Anyone who grew up in the period between the end of World War ll and the turn of the Millennium would have had a fundamental truism...

Dec 5, 20214 min read
Canadian journalists denounce 'vaccine heretics' and go Orwell over omicron
Let the hysteria begin! It was the week of omicron. That's the latest of 5,768,724 or so computer generated sequences designated...

Dec 1, 20211 min read
Video: This Week In Canadian Journalists Are A Joke: Rosie DiManno, Robyn Urback, Bruce Arthur
The Ohmygoditsacon variant is here and Canadian 'journalists' couldn't be more excited!

Aug 3, 20211 min read
Media calls for forced vaccination
The one consistent complaint from the Canadian media establishment throughout this entire thing has been that the authoritarianism wasn’t...

Jun 26, 20211 min read
12 months to normalize medical tyranny
It only took about 12 months to normalize the horrific premise that you should take medications.... not because you need them for your...
Sep 24, 20191 min read
Video: They want to keep Greta Thunberg terrified
In this video by Going to Getugly: The fears of this little girl are being exploited by adults to serve a political agenda. And none of...

Jul 20, 20191 min read
Domestic terror attack by Antifa in US. Mainstream media not interested.
‘A far-left militant has been shot and killed in Tacoma, Washington after bombing an immigration centre and engaging in an armed...

Jul 6, 20194 min read
This is who the defenders of ANTIFA are supporting
A month ago I was reported to Facebook by an individual who didn’t like my response to the comments he made about an article in The...

Jun 14, 201911 min read
Leftist intellectual pipsqueaks have power to get you banned by Facebook.
Yes folks. The defenders of all that is moral and righteous at Facebook have once again adjudicated that Going to Getugly has...

May 21, 20194 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #44: Going to Getugly finally exposed as “a fifth-columnist in the servi
Scott H: Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech are two vastly different things. The Paradox of Tolerance: Philosopher Karl Popper defined the...

Mar 18, 20191 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #39: ‘Hateful voices’ and the politics of the dumb
Tim R: You are known by the company you keep. When the Conservatives embrace these hateful voices like Faith Goldie and Rebel Media they...

Mar 17, 20194 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #38 : Five words to win an argument with a Leftist: ‘How do you know tha
Dale N: Xenophobia, Racisim and hate crimes/speech are definitely on the rise in general and pose an inarguable threat as they always...

Feb 22, 20192 min read
Going to Getugly banned by Facebook for ‘hate speech’!
Want to know what ‘hate speech’ looks like according to Facebook in these enlightened times of 2019? Have a look at the notification...

Jan 23, 20191 min read
Video: Toxic masculinity? Let’s talk about the ‘beautiful masculinity’ embodied by
In this video I discuss the various video clips which show how distorted and cruel the official narrative about the boys from Covington...

Jan 20, 20196 min read
Catholic kid who stood up to ‘Mr. Nathan Phillips’ is the face of beautiful masculinity!
This kid Nick Sandmann is the perfect answer to the fashionable anti-male bigotry of the recent Gillette commercial. Here we have a bunch...

Oct 3, 20185 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #31: Kavanaugh’s ‘temperament’ makes him unfit? No… yo
This past week we watched as Republican nominee to the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh was forced to defend himself against increasingly...

Jul 9, 20182 min read
‘Progressive’ ideology + cowardice = more dead black men, women and children
“With Toronto edging toward another record year of shooting victims, there is a growing push from researchers and advocates to tackle gun...
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