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Going to Getugly banned by Facebook for ‘hate speech’!

Want to know what ‘hate speech’ looks like according to Facebook in these enlightened times of 2019? Have a look at the notification below which I received from the faceless gatekeepers of all that is moral and decent at the social media giant.


So that’s a response I gave to a comment from Kelly on the CTV News thread (below) concerning the current scandal engulfing Justin Trudeau and his governing Liberal Party in Canada and which earned the designation of ‘hate speech’ and which resulted in my being  banned from posting for three days.

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Like so many other people whose personal attachment to Justin and the Liberals supersedes any regard for principle, ethics, rule of law or holding the party in power to account… Kelly’s impulse was to protect the governing party form scrutiny  by generating justifications to attack the leader of the Official Opposition Andrew Scheer.

Kelly Wales: Keep spinning lil Andy LoL

And just to be clear…. I’m not a big  fan of Andrew Scheer myself. But I am a fan of responsible adults holding themselves to higher principles rather than indulging in dumb, blind partisanship.

But again,  like a lot of people these days, Kelly’s response to having his subjective biases questioned is to express resentment that anyone would challenge his opinions and to deflect to irrelevant and fallacious complaints. This is what he posted in response to my critique of Canadians whose blind partisanship is motivating them to ignore Trudeau’s refusal to be transparent and who instead are focusing their attacks on the Opposition:

Kelly Wales: Its really sad people are such cowards hiding behind a keyboard is not enough but need to hide anonymously behind bogus face book pages.

But disgorging these sorts of juvenile responses to valid criticism isn’t sufficient to mollify the fragile egos of people like Kelly. The Orwellian times in which we live provides the ultimate option for the shallow and infantile to exact revenge on those who threaten their self-esteem… they can report them!

And because we have inverted all of our culture’s rational standards and because we’ve transformed immaturity and self-absorption from qualities to be ashamed of as adults into the highest of virtues… our institutions, both public and private, are now  weighted in favour of the precious and easily offended. So we find ourselves in the situation in which Facebook… one of the most ubiquitous and powerful platforms of expression and communication of our time… simply takes the path of least resistance and assumes that if someone is accusing you of ‘hate speech’ then it must be valid and censures you according to that assumption.

As hard as it may be to believe… a Canadian writing the sentence “It’s depressing to see how dumb Canadians really are” is officially deemed ‘hate speech’ in 2019.

God help us.


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