Dale N: Xenophobia, Racisim and hate crimes/speech are definitely on the rise in general and pose an inarguable threat as they always have, but the alarming and shocking rise of Islamophobia is absolutely exploding and poses extreme and real danger to not just Canadian muslims but muslims in general. Furthermore Andrew Scheer, Maxime Bernier and all other Islamophobes like them that have no respect for other cultures or basic human rights such as abortion, LGBT rights and so much more need to be expelled from politics and any leadership role and barred from being part of any decision making process that affects Canada, a fantastic start to curbing the rise of Extremist White Nationalism is to remove and silence people that normalize it and defend it or ignore it. In short Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet are the only two current eligible leaders that have what it takes to lead this Country and to make any sort of progress to criminalizing extreme acts of Islamophobia and hate speech, which I hope happens sooner rather than later and is why I am thankful for Bill M-103 ❤ 🙂 .
Going to Getugly: “Racisim and hate crimes/speech are definitely on the rise in general and pose an inarguable threat”
How do you know that Dale?
“the alarming and shocking rise of Islamophobia is absolutely exploding”
How do you know that Dale?
Dale N: Read the comments on this post, enough said.
Going to Getugly: So in other words… you’re spouting a load of nonsense because your priority is advertising your sense of your own moral excellence not anything to do with truth. That’s kind of pathetic Dale.
Dale N: No, I’m acknowledging that Xenophobia, White Nationalism and Islamophobia are a very real and dangerous threat here in Canada, and because of this we need to crack down on it and start finding ways to further criminalize it and fight it. I am also highlighting that particular people in positions of power endorsing, encouraging and ignoring Islamophobia, xenophobia and discrimination and acting as a conduit for White Nationalists need to be removed as to strip the “”voice”” and “”suppress”” the blind hatred and violence that stem from it.
Going to Getugly: No Dale. What you’re doing is making very specific truth claims about things and you are presenting yourself as knowing these things to objectively factual. But the actual fact is that you don’t know that those things are true at all. And for some reason people like you don’t seem to care whether or not what you say and believe is actually real. So there must be something other than talking about objective reality that is motivating you. And the only other possibility is that it is gratifying to your ego to go onto comment sections and pontificate about how morally inferior other people are to yourself.
Dale N: Islamophobia, Xenophobia and White Nationalism are real, they do exist and they are becoming a bigger threat, believe me I wish Islamophobia, Xenophobia and White Nationalism and White Supremacism were fictional concepts as the world would be a better place with less violence and less hatred, but they are factual and they have deadly results as you can see from numerous acts of violence and terrorist attacks committed against Muslims. A prime example out of many to make these dangers factual is Trump, look at what his policies are formed from and around? Look at the hate groups and white supremacists that rally for him and support him? he has even tried to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. In short I am talking objective reality because I am showing my support that I am against Islamophobia, Xenophobia, White Nationalism and so much more, the more we talk about this problem and how to solve it the more progress we can make to making it achievable.
Dale N: I can see why you are trying so hard to discredit Islamophobia, Xenophobia and White Nationalism and paint them as fictional, your page and your followers and you yourself as the creator are part of the problem as well as contributing factors and your page is an advocate and a conduit for unification among many White Supremacist and White Nationalists.
Going to Getugly: No Dale.The problem here is that you reflexively conflate not agreeing with your hysterical but fashionable interpretations with ‘white supremacy’. You need to learn to distinguish between uncritically conforming to generic interpretations that gratify your desire to think of yourself as morally excellent and insight. All of the people that you denounce and that you probably think you understand…. like Nazis, ‘white supremacists’ or whatever… have one thing in common: They are convinced that the particular interpretive structure that they have embraced is providing them with absolute truth and bestows upon them absolute moral excellence. And therefore anyone who fails to mirror their own conformity to that interpretive structure can only represent the opposite of absolute truth and the opposite of moral excellence. In other words… they take for granted that not agreeing with them is the same thing as being objectively wrong and evil.
That is precisely what you are demonstrating here with your reflex to respond to critique of your reasoning and to encountering opinions that differ from your own by arbitrarily applying dehumanizing labels. Intellectually mature and genuinely ethical people respond to this sort of challenge by demonstrating how their own ideas are more rational and logical. Mindless ideologues do what you have done.. they label their critics morally inferior to themselves. That’s because they are not smart enough and don’t have the character to substantiate their claim to hold superior ideas and ethics.