“With Toronto edging toward another record year of shooting victims, there is a growing push from researchers and advocates to tackle gun violence from a public-health perspective and to instead focus on the social inequalities that lie at the root of the problem.”
This is conformity to ideology presented as analysis. The default axiom of Leftist conditioning is that anti-social behaviour by members of certain protected classes is always and only a reflection of inherent problems EXTERNAL to their own community. To appreciate the glaring indifference to truth which this axiom represents one has only to observe how quickly and unapologetically it is reversed when the perpetrators are from the perceived dominant class… which is to say, white males.
Within 24 hours of the van attack that killed 10 people on Yonge Street earlier this year the story shifted from a lone nutcase committing a one-of-a-kind act of violence in the city of Toronto to a narrative about the obscure group of Internet nerds called ‘INCELs’… how this was really a story about a white male driven to an act of horrific violence by rampant misogyny and perceived injustices being heaped on white men and therefore ultimately a reflection of something gone terribly wrong with white males in society in general.
In contrast to that singular incident we have a problem that has persisted for decades to the point it has become a fixture of daily life in Toronto with a specific class of black men mimicking the glorification of gun obsession, criminality and extreme violence of American black thug culture. And where are we being instructed by our media elite, ‘researchers and advocates’ to “look” to locate the “root of the problem”? Not to the community from which this activity has been consistently arising but to an unquantifiable phenomenon called “social inequalities” they claim exists in society at large. In other words, black men shooting each other in the streets of one of the most open, freest, self-consciously welcoming and ethnically diverse cities to ever exist on the planet is not a reflection of something that has gone wrong within a class of the black community itself…. but of an intrinsically racist society created by and for the exclusive benefit of…. you guessed it… white men.
This privileging of fashionable ideology over reason and truth and the spinelessness displayed by politicians and journalists towards saying out loud what everybody (including, I suspect, most people in the black community) is thinking is precisely what allowed this problem to fester in Toronto for years and to escalate to critical proportions.
That is also why the problem will not be effectively addressed; why it will only get worse and why we will continue to see black families in this city mourn this senseless loss of life.