The media uses words like “terrifying science” because this is about bypassing intellect and appealing to the emotional responses of naive, easily manipulated people.
They write “terrifying” to tell you what emotion to feel. And they incongruously insert the word ‘science’ beside it to make the emotionally driven group-thinkers feel like they know what they’re talking about.
Ed B: In climate change denial, we have a level of stupidity and ignorance not seen since medieval times, when people believed lead could be turned into gold and you could protect yourself from the Black Death by hanging a little bag of your own poop around your neck.
Going to Getugly: The irony of your remarks is striking Ed.
We are living in a time in which medieval-style thinking concerning prognostications of an imminent fiery apocalypse that can only be averted by repenting of our evil lifestyles and returning to a state of Edenic purity dominates the mindset of the population.
A time in which people believe the ruling class possess Divine powers to control the weather.
And a time in which the true believers have been trained to denounce any questioning of the absolutism of the Holy Narrative as heresy using the contemporary version of the word heretic… ‘denier’.
Very ironic indeed.
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