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Climate change and the conformist mindset


“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell 1984

The highest priority of the conformist mindset is preserving the belief in the infallible absolute truth of the group-think. And so conformists simply delete from awareness any aspect of reality that threatens that belief. It’s all very Orwellian.

There is no context. There is historical record. No critical scrutiny is applied to claims made by the authors of the official narrative. There is simply the one timeless, infallible conclusion and the context-free pronouncements handed down by the ordained givers of the ‘truth’. These pronouncements go unexamined and unquestioned.

That’s why these guys can endlessly recycle the same apocalyptic predictions over and over again. Each time the prediction fails to materialize it is simply deleted from memory, everything is reset to zero and the cycle begins again.

And so it doesn’t matter to the true believers how many times the same predictions are made by the same people and how many times those predictions fail to materialize. The infallibility of the conclusion and the credibility of the ‘truth givers’ is never called into question.

You could not find a better demonstration of this than the mainstream media pushing a new claim by the UN that “the world needs to prepare for millions of people being driven from their homes by the impact of climate change.”

Sounds scary, eh? It’s the UN after all! They must know what they’re talking about, right?

But when you put it in the context of this article in the Wall Street Journal from 2011 about the exact same prediction made by the exact same UN in 2005 it takes on a very different light:

Climate Refugees, Not Found – Discredited by reality, the U.N.’s prophecies go missing.

“In 2005, the U.N. Environment Program (UNEP) published a color-coded map under the headline “Fifty million climate refugees by 2010″.”

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