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Jan 23, 20202 min read
Climate change and the conformist mindset
“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell 1984 The highest priority of the...

Dec 29, 20191 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #52: Climate heretics are guilty of ‘Medieval’ thinking!
The media uses words like “terrifying science” because this is about bypassing intellect and appealing to the emotional responses of...

Dec 15, 20196 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #51: We’re not facing a ‘climate crisis’. We’re facing
The real imminent threat facing our society is not a “climate crisis”. It’s a crisis in the competence of reasoning among a large swath...
Sep 24, 20191 min read
Video: They want to keep Greta Thunberg terrified
In this video by Going to Getugly: The fears of this little girl are being exploited by adults to serve a political agenda. And none of...

Jul 14, 20181 min read
Truth or validation…. which do you privilege?
People either privilege the pursuit of truth or they privilege gratifying their ego in the form of social acceptance and moral...
Jun 12, 20181 min read
Video: Rebuttals of the Week! Feminists and Leftists don’t know how to think and I can prove i
In this video I look at how ideologies of ‘identity’ like feminism are really just a means to justify the indulgence in self-serving...

Apr 6, 20171 min read
Feminists’ Secret Belief: ‘Only Men Can Make Us Happy!’
Despite what they claim, today’s feminists seem committed to re-entrenching the ‘traditional’ dynamic that sees women as intrinsically...

Jan 23, 20173 min read
Sorry ladies… I think you’ve lost the plot
Like everyone, I saw the images in the media and online of the huge crowds of women in pink hats who turned out in cities around the...

Nov 15, 20161 min read
Anyone else feeling relieved these people lost?
The more self-serving, reason-free hysteria I see of the kind the author of this grotesque Slate screed has indulged in the more relieved...

Nov 12, 20161 min read
A ‘Progressive’ reacts to the US election results
#feminism #SJW #politics #ABC #WashingtonPost #socialjustice #society #racism #socialjusticewarriors #politicalcorrectness #DonaldTrump...

Aug 30, 20163 min read
How to beat the ‘progressive-Left’ and ‘Rebuttals of the Week’!
There are basically two kinds of people. First, there are those who are intellectually courageous and free thinking. These are people who...

May 23, 20161 min read
Thank goodness we have Internet ‘memes’ to remind us to hate our civilization
What would we do without Internet ‘memes’ to reduce complex and nuanced issues to trite statements designed to confirm our biases? A...
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