‘NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh called a Bloc Quebecois MP racist Wednesday after a New Democrat motion on RCMP discrimination failed to receive unanimous consent from the House of Commons.
Singh had asked the Commons to recognize there is systemic racism in the RCMP…’
Going to Getugly: Jagmeet Singh demonstrates the intellectual and emotional maturity of a teenager….“If you don’t tell me I’m right about the RCMP I’m entitled to denounce your humanity as inferior to my own!”
Marty McDuff: Your white privilege is showing, and ignorance. Walk a mile in his shoes or anyone of colour, including the Indigenous. You are guilty of “demonstrates the intellectual and emotional maturity of a teenage” most of the time.
Going to Getugly: Marty, this is hard for conditioned group-thinkers to understand because they can’t step outside of the group-think and look at it from a detached perspective. But the truth is that when you simply regurgitate stock ideological slogans and cliches, i.e. – “white privilege” – and act like you’ve proved some point or made an argument, all you’re communicating to the other person is that you’re a conformist to a particular brand of ideology and that you’re nothing but a vehicle for its generic concepts. You’re advertising that you don’t think for yourself and therefore you can’t generate genuine insights about the world.
Dave Penner: Marty, if you keep repeating the same thing over and over again it doesn’t make it right. It might be time for you to spend some time learning how to have meaningful dialog. Going to Getugly can correct me if I’m wrong but what I think they are trying to say is that Singh needs to keep his cool and keep an open dialog. He failed at that. Instead of calling the guy racist he should have been asking where they were disagreeing and work from there. Find common ground. Then start working through the disagreements. Nobody learns from each other if they don’t talk to each other.
Going to Getugly: Actually Dave, I’m doing much more than that. I’m highlighting that with people like Singh and the Left in general these days, there is no possibility for “meaningful dialogue”, finding “common ground” or “working through disagreements”.
In order to even begin pursuing those objectives there are a few requirements that must be met:
The two parties have to appreciate that they are bringing personal perspectives to the issue. They have to accept the limitation and fallibility of any given perspective, including their own. They must be open to potential validity in the other person’s perspective. And they must commit to objective standards of reason, evidence and analysis to evaluate which perspective most accurately describes reality.
Singh very clearly demonstrates that he is incapable of any of that. Instead he displays the defining characteristic that we see again and again in people who gravitate to the Left: an inability to identify with or relate to any perspective other than their own.
Which is the same thing as saying they don’t recognize their own perspective as a perspective at all. To them, they are not generating an interpretation of the world in their head. They are directly apprehending universal, absolute truth which they equate with moral perfection.
This is the cognitive apparatus of the narcissist.
When people conflate their subjective point of view with morally perfect, universal truth there is no room for “meaningful dialogue”, finding “common ground” or “working through disagreements”. There is only a simple binary option: Tell them they’re right and be deemed one of the enlightened people or be denounced as wrong, corrupt and evil by definition.
And Mr. Singh has provided an exquisite demonstration of this exact phenomenon.