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Rebuttals of the Week #22: My generic Left ideology is better than your generic Right ideology!

Don’t Look At This Page: Both sides of American politics are rotten to the core and serve big business and the Military Industrial Complex.

Going to Getugly: That’s probably true. The whole Trump thing of course is that this guy was the first guy to come along who was not entrenched in that establishment and who represents the only opportunity to push back against that system . That’s why everyone who is part of the establishment hates his guts and is desperate to depose him… including most of the Republican establishment. By the way… it’s not just ‘American’ politics. Australian politics is a branch plant of the same system.

Don’t Look At This Page: Trump is very much part of the establishment. His policies are designed to make the 1% even wealthier. He is a hardcore capitalist. Bernie Sanders could have been a real alternative and would have stopped the wealthy plundering the poor and the middle class, but the Democrats screwed him over because he was a threat to the wealthy capitalists who also run the Democratic party. Hillary was a crook. The U.S system is rigged and as you correctly assert, so too is the Australian system.

Going to Getugly: As soon as you start regurgitating generic slogans like “the 1%” you are demonstrating that you are just another group-thinker who believes that the prepackaged ideology that you’ve given yourself over to is better than the prepackaged ideology you are railing against...”Bernie Sanders is the cult leader who you should think has all the answers!” Ridiculous. It’s not picking one ideology over another ideology. It’s recognizing that the problem is ideology itself. Cultivate the capacity to think for yourself. Develop some genuine principles and privilege the pursuit of truth… not the pursuit of what is gratifying for you to believe.


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