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Dec 26, 20181 min read
Jordan Peterson and Peter Hitchens on how the Left reject thinking
There are two essential observations about the ‘progressive’-Left that I have made many times here: 1. People who self-identify as being...

May 10, 20185 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #23: Tackling the scourge of racism by holding a ‘What’s Wrong Wit
Things just keep getting worse. So apparently we are at a stage in society where you can have a major conference at a publicly funded...

Apr 30, 20182 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #22: My generic Left ideology is better than your generic Right ideology!
Don’t Look At This Page: Both sides of American politics are rotten to the core and serve big business and the Military Industrial...
Mar 25, 20181 min read
Video: Conformity and the Language of the Left
In this Going To Getugly video: White privilege. Mansplaining. Rape culture. Wage gap…. It seems that as quickly as these terms are...

Oct 27, 20172 min read
Rebuttals of the Week # 15: Lefty tries desperately to believe racism okay if his side does it.
Article: Halifax music festival apologizes for ‘overt racism’ after volunteer refuses to give spot near stage to women of colour Another...

Nov 12, 20161 min read
A ‘Progressive’ reacts to the US election results
#feminism #SJW #politics #ABC #WashingtonPost #socialjustice #society #racism #socialjusticewarriors #politicalcorrectness #DonaldTrump...

Aug 30, 20163 min read
How to beat the ‘progressive-Left’ and ‘Rebuttals of the Week’!
There are basically two kinds of people. First, there are those who are intellectually courageous and free thinking. These are people who...

Feb 5, 20161 min read
More proof that feminists, “progressives” and the Left in general are beyond taking seri
Seriously folks, it is becoming more and more evident that the world is dividing between the inheritors of the Western Enlightenment and...
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