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Rebuttals of the Week! #12: Force people to adopt policy you may think is harmful to children becaus


Nath: Sorry to the snowflakes who have to learn new words(I understand basic comprehension of proper grammar is probably hard for y’all). It’s called compassion, suck it up and get with the times.

Going to Getugly: Imposing your values on other people by making this mandatory is as far from ‘compassion’ as you can get. This fondness that ‘progressives’ have for changing the meaning of words to give a morally superior facade to their desire to force people to conform to their worldview is pathetic.

Nath: So you aren’t imposing your views by trying to stop it? It doesn’t hurt anyone. Its so people can understand. These people exist and deserve to be treated as people.

Going to Getugly:  How do you know it “doesn’t hurt anyone”? And clearly, you don’t understand the meaning of “imposing”. Imposing means forcing someone to do something whether they agree with it or not. Saying “Don’t impose this on people”… is the OPPOSITE of imposing things on people. Unfortunately, you have provided yet another example of how the only reasoning that ‘progressives’ seem capable of engaging is self-confirming, logically incoherent circular reasoning.

Nath: Clearly we disagree. I don’t necessarily agree with the whole trans thing, especially when it comes to children, I find it strange. But, these people just want acceptance in society. I see nothing wrong with doing that. Why do you disagree with it?

Going to Getugly: Well as you say, the “whole trans thing, especially when it comes to children” is extremely troubling. In fact, it is completely irrational to propose that human beings at the earliest stages of their development… whom we don’t even grant authority to decide for themselves when they go to sleep or what they eat for dinner… are nonetheless completely competent to declare that their ‘identity’…whatever that is…. is the opposite of the reality of their biology. These are concepts that even reasonably informed adults are finding extremely challenging to contextualize…. and yet we’re granting absolute authority to the self-assessment of 13 year olds.

My concern is that today’s adults are prioritising their desire to not be seen as being out-of-step with fashionable ‘progressiveideology over the true well-being of children. And the intention of The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (which Professor Jordan Peterson has called “one of the most dangerous institutions in Canada”) pressuring institutions like the Ontario Hockey Federation into imposing these policies is to FORCE people to agree with all of this and to make it so socially, professionally and even legally unpleasant to question the wisdom of any of it that people just obediently submit and conform.

And all of that is terrible.


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