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Feb 10, 20192 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #37 : The key to all feminist thinking: Invent malevolent motivations for othe
Wendy C: Quotas would stop the boys club voting for their collegues at pre selection to the exclusion of women. Labor did it and the...

Oct 3, 20185 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #31: Kavanaugh’s ‘temperament’ makes him unfit? No… yo
This past week we watched as Republican nominee to the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh was forced to defend himself against increasingly...

Oct 1, 20182 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #30: “Men are intimidated by smart women” and other self-flatterin
‘Boys don’t like smart girls’. How are we, as smart women, meant to deal with an answer like that? From the article: “This friend works...
Oct 1, 20181 min read
Video – Brett Kavanaugh: Do Women Want Justice or Revenge?
In this Going to Getugly video: A lot of women these days appear to be suggesting that we sacrifice principles like presumption of...
Jun 21, 20181 min read
Video: Australian feminists shift focus from murder victim to themselves
In this video I discuss how feminists and the media in Australia used the tragic murder of Eurydice Dixon to promote divisive ideological...
Jun 12, 20181 min read
Video: Rebuttals of the Week! Feminists and Leftists don’t know how to think and I can prove i
In this video I look at how ideologies of ‘identity’ like feminism are really just a means to justify the indulgence in self-serving...

Jun 11, 20181 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #25: Feminists and Leftists don’t know how to think… and I can pro
Kathryn: There needs to be the question asked as to WHY women are not applying. And if they do apply, why are they not accepted or why do...
Mar 25, 20181 min read
Video: Conformity and the Language of the Left
In this Going To Getugly video: White privilege. Mansplaining. Rape culture. Wage gap…. It seems that as quickly as these terms are...

Mar 4, 20187 min read
When reality conflicts with feminism… just change reality!
Going to Getugly was censored and then blocked from Facebook for the past week. My previous post goes into the gory details and...

Feb 28, 20183 min read
Going to Getugly Censored By Facebook For Criticizing Feminism!
Yes folks… if you are critical of feminists and mention the objective fact that they are women you will be reprimanded by Facebook, have...

Jan 2, 20181 min read
Video: The Left Demonize People Who Can Think
New Going to Getugly video: Just as ‘progressive’-Left ideology manufactures a flattering generic identity for its adherents… it also...

Dec 23, 20176 min read
Rebuttals of the Week # 21: Using the term ‘mansplaining’ makes you look dumb. Stop it.
There is a debating tactic favoured by all older sisters when they are around the age of 12 and which every younger sibling knows all too...

Dec 6, 20173 min read
Rebuttal of the Week # 20: How genuine issues of sexual harassment become just another media-induced
Here’s the background to this ‘incident’. Six months ago, a male Canadian MP for the Conservative Party, James Bezan, was in a photo-op...

Dec 3, 20171 min read
Women must stop telling boys there is something wrong with them.
Another example of feminist narcissism abusing the self-conception of children. The superficial sanctimonious rhetoric is this: “If we...

Dec 3, 20172 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #18: ‘Waaaaa…!’
Claire S: Toxic masculinity is clearly defined by P45’s “grab ’em by the pussy” comment, especially if when combined with the many “what,...

Nov 19, 20172 min read
Rebuttals of the Week! #17: Feminist bigotry and logical fallacies.
Kerry S: Cue all the men explaining why the gender pay gap isn’t a thing Going to Getugly: Kerry, care to provide some kind of rational...

Oct 10, 20172 min read
Rebuttals of the week! #14: Enough with the ‘cultural appropriation’ garbage already!
Halloween is fast approaching… so naturally the ‘Let’s Pretend Trivial Nonsense Is Incredibly Important Squad’ is back to remind us that...

Oct 6, 20173 min read
Rebuttals of the week! #13: ‘Your arguments are terrible’ vs ‘You’re a bad p
P: There have been studies that show female industries get paid less than males dominated ones. That pay goes down if an industry...

Aug 5, 20173 min read
Rebuttals of the Week#11: Why ‘progressives’ hate reality
Poor old Tony Abbott just can’t catch a break it seems. He makes some completely benign, not uncommon, absolutely reasonable pro-marriage...

Jul 27, 20173 min read
Rebuttals of the week #10: Dear all feminists… The Handmaid’s Tale isn’t happening
It seems the new TV version of Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood’s book The Handmaid’s Tale is severing what remaining threads once...
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