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Jan 16, 20172 min read
‘Fake News’: Liberals don’t like having their slogan used against them
The ‘fake news’ slogan has only been a ‘thing’ since Hilary Clinton’s Democrats invented it as part of their marketing strategy to...

Nov 18, 20161 min read
Art imitates (‘progressive’) life?
I watched a new video by Paul Joseph Watson yesterday, with the straight-to-the-point title: ‘MORONS REACT TO TRUMP WINNING’. Paul has a...

Nov 15, 20161 min read
Anyone else feeling relieved these people lost?
The more self-serving, reason-free hysteria I see of the kind the author of this grotesque Slate screed has indulged in the more relieved...

Nov 13, 20163 min read
Rebuttals of the Week#6: Annoying Self-Righteous Canadian Alert!
ANNOYING SELF-RIGHTEOUS CANADIAN ALERT! No… not Justin Trudeau. Or even David Suzuki. Although both would easily qualify. No, this time...

Nov 12, 20161 min read
A ‘Progressive’ reacts to the US election results
#feminism #SJW #politics #ABC #WashingtonPost #socialjustice #society #racism #socialjusticewarriors #politicalcorrectness #DonaldTrump...

Nov 7, 20163 min read
Mainstream media: ‘Boo hoo! No one appreciates us!’
Reid: Curse Mainstream Media (MSM) all you like, but beware the Alt-Right even more You know you’re in for some fair and balanced...

Oct 9, 20161 min read
Climate change science wrong again!
Man-made climate change ‘science’ seems to be unique among scientific disciplines in that it doesn’t matter how consistently it generates...

Oct 7, 20161 min read
Quick thought: Carbon tax is based on a false premise, Part 2
I’m astonished that Andrew Coyne would present such an atrociously anti-rational argument as this: ” But if you accept, even as a...

Oct 6, 20161 min read
Quick thought: Carbon tax is based on a false premise… but we’re doing it anyway.
Read article at: Kelly McParland: Trudeau’s carbon plan means Canadians will pay more for a tax that will have very little impact Rather...

Sep 15, 20165 min read
Rebuttals of the week! #4: How do you drive ‘progressives’ crazy? Ask them to prove thei
One thing that seems to catch ‘progressives’ completely off-guard is asking them to support their opinions and assertions. You often get...

Sep 13, 20161 min read
Hillary’s health: final nail in the coffin of mainstream media
The so called ‘credible’ mainstream media not only ignored and suppressed this issue for months… they went out of their way to attack and...

Aug 30, 20163 min read
How to beat the ‘progressive-Left’ and ‘Rebuttals of the Week’!
There are basically two kinds of people. First, there are those who are intellectually courageous and free thinking. These are people who...

Aug 29, 20163 min read
YOU’RE NEXT! The ‘politically correct’ are eating our brains!
There is something particularly creepy about the push-back against the push-back against political correctness. It’s like the...

Aug 1, 20163 min read
BREAKING NEWS: MSM says ‘white guys’ are dicks!
Read the article here: What happens when white men realize that their perspective isn’t the only one that matters With this column by...

Jul 26, 20161 min read
Quick thought: The problem with the MSM
The problem with the mainstream media is that it is populated with very conventional thinkers who have no interest in challenging the...

Jun 25, 20161 min read
BREXIT – You say you want a revolution!
Congratulations to the people of Great Britain. For the first time in our lifetime, the majority population of an entire nation has...

Jun 13, 20162 min read
Targets of Islamic terror: Sympathy for France, Belgium… condemnation for USA. What is going o
The Charlie Hebdo attack in France. The terror attack on concert goers and cafe patrons in Paris last November. The terror attack at the...

May 23, 20161 min read
Thank goodness we have Internet ‘memes’ to remind us to hate our civilization
What would we do without Internet ‘memes’ to reduce complex and nuanced issues to trite statements designed to confirm our biases? A...
May 17, 20161 min read
Liberals introduce bill to protect transgender Canadians from hate speech and discrimination
The Canadian Press reports that Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party continues to prioritize ‘virtue signalling’ as it panders to as many...

May 4, 20161 min read
More unsolicited advice from Canada’s ‘Prime Life Coach’, Justin Trudeau
The constant refrain we hear from feminists – particularly when they are responding to any form of criticism – is that feminism is simply...
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