Ted D: Jesus Christ, one would think the world has come to an end! For what he’s paid, for all the crap he’s subjected to, all I can say is, keep a stiff upper lip Justin. Show me one major politician who hasn’t screwed up, in his journey, and I’ll show you a Saint!
Going to Getugly: What a stunningly submissive, apathetic, serf-like attitude.
People like you have your loyalties and responsibilities totally inverted. Your job as a member of the citizenry is not to identify with and therefor feel obliged to protect one faction of the ruling class regardless of what they do against the interests of another faction of the ruling class.
Your responsibility is to identify with the citizenry and to keep those in the ruling class who have been entrusted with extraordinary power and privilege on a very short leash. And when they demonstrate that they feel entitled to that power and privilege and when they abuse it… regardless of whether you voted for them… it is your job to pull back on that leash and to put them back in their place and to remind them they are just servants of the citizenry.
What the hell is wrong with adults these days where they act like they work for the political class and feel the need to rush to their defense when they are exposed as the corrupt self-serving elites that they truly are?