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Rebuttals of the Week #45: “I can’t be wrong and you can’t be right because I&#821


The comment  from  Andew M (below) in response to the article by Nick Carter  provides an excellent demonstration of the  same instinct to reflexively equate his own Leftist opinions with moral perfection that Democratic Congresswoman and ‘progressive’ thought-leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez more famously expressed when  questioned about her habit of making false statements:  “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s account of how her assessment of her own moral perfection displaces a concern for objective truth is as striking for it’s lack of guile as it is for its total absence of insight.

It’s impossible to miss the childish narcissism of a mind that takes the perfection of its own interpretations as given.

As I argue in my rebuttal below it is this childishly narcissistic stage of development and inability to take on criticism that increasingly defines the current mindset of those who end up identifying with the ‘progressive’ Left.


Andrew M: If you think moral fortitude is authoritarian you have many lessons to learn about reality, kindness, compassion, understanding, logic, reason, tolerance, dignity, equality, harmony, unity, wisdom, faith, trust, focus, etiquette and class. To be authoritarian is to have none of those things within your being as all are replaced by fear, greed, and selfish endeavours.

Going to Getugly:  The unexamined intellectual flaw that defines ‘progressives’ is that they equate their subjective opinions and ideological preferences with moral perfection.

You’ve demonstrated this perfectly by reflexively responding to the article’s criticism of ‘progressives’ by simply defining your own ‘progressive’ attitudes in the most self-flattering and morally self-aggrandising terms.

In other words, your response to criticism is to simply denounce the critic for not affirming your belief in your own moral excellence. The attitude is “I can’t be wrong and you can’t be right because I’m morally superb!”

You’re literally saying: “My assessment of myself and people who agree with me is that we are capable of only kindness, compassion, understanding, logic, reason, tolerance, dignity, equality, harmony, unity, wisdom, faith, trust, focus, etiquette and class! Therefore we are incapable of being authoritarian! Only people who are susceptible to normal human flaws and weaknesses like fear, greed, and selfishness… characteristics that only exist in people who don’t share my opinions… are capable of being tyrannical and evil!”

The grotesque irony of course is that this is precisely the self-aggrandizing and narcissistic mindset of every authoritarian and all of their supporters that have ever existed.



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