Joel: That is to say, in the summary dreamed up by Trump’s staunch Republican Attorney General pick, William Barr.
Going to Getugly: You people are beyond delusional at this point.
Joel: You think not enough evidence to legally prove guilt is the same as innocence.
Going to Getugly: YES! Of course! What would you think if you were accused of something and your enemies said that just because there is no evidence whatsoever that you did what we’ve accused you of doing it doesn’t mean you’re not guilty?
Seriously… you people have detached yourselves to such an extent from logic, principle and objectivity that you can longer distinguish between what is real and what is merely some belief in your head that you really want to be real.
Joel: It’s literally why courts say “not guilty” instead of “innocent”. We do not legally declare innocence, only that guilt hasn’t been adequately demonstrated. In this case, the circle of people around trump convicted of crimes is very indicative, and their statements regarding his complicity also. But circumstantial. Still, we haven’t seen the report. We know it doesn’t recommend the DOJ pursue further indictments. That does not mean it hasn’t recommended indictments be pursued by other judicial bodies – ones that AREN’T subject to presidential pardons. Could be why the alt-right administration is now fighting so hard to prevent the release. Stick around.
Going to Getugly: Yeah yeah Joel. That’s “literally” what courts do. Except they don’t. Perhaps you’ve heard of a quaint axiom of our justice systems in the West… ‘innocent until proven guilty’. Then again… your comments here suggest that you are completely ignorant of that foundational notion of Western civilization.
Joel: Okay idiot. Enjoy being conned further. Check back with me when it all comes out and you’re ready to apologise for being such a failure. NB: Trump is obviously guilty and people like you are only feigning disbelief. You know he is.
Going to Getugly: No Joel. We’ve been hearing the “check back with me” line for two years from you people who are determined to believe that your abandonment of independent thinking in favour of conformity to fashionable group think was an indication of your moral and intellectual superiority. That was the response all the way along as this propaganda fell apart bit by bit… the mantra was “CHECK BACK WITH ME when the Mueller report comes out! THEN you’ll be apologising for being such a failure!”
And now that the thing that you all pinned all of your credibility on has turned out to invalidate the conclusion you all uncritically accepted… you’re responding by moving the goal posts into the Twilight Zone rather than acknowledge what smart people have been saying from the start… that YOU are the people who are the most easily manipulated, most naive and who are the mindless slaves who submit to whatever is marketed to you as ‘right think’ by the established ruling class. YOU are the ones who uncritically accepted the propaganda pushed out by the entrenched establishment.
The truth here Joel is that you know now that it’s YOU who was conned. It’s undeniable by your own standards. The Mueller report was supposed to be the final word that confirmed everything! And you are all acting like the kid who finds the Santa Claus costume in his parents closet and still tells himself that it doesn’t mean Santa isn’t real.