“At a reception Thursday night for the progressive group MoveOn.org, Rep. Rashida Tlaib vowed that the new Democratic-controlled House would be focusing on ousting President Donald Trump from office…..”we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the motherf——.”
Chris K: Well seeing Trump has the least amount of class as any human on the planet good on her!
Going to Getugly: It’s amazing watching people who don’t know how to think fall into the same obvious trap every time. It’s a pretty simple issue of holding consistent standards: By defending her for doing something that you are condemning Trump for doing you are showing yourself to be a hypocrite with no principles.
How do you guys manage to make this generic reasoning mistake over and over again and to be completely oblivious to it?
Chris K: I don’t really give a shit who says what but it’s hilarious seeing the right get up in arms about using the word mother fucker about a guy who basically admitted to sexually assaulting women. Not alone the multiple accusations against him.
Going to Getugly: No Chris. You’re once again demonstrating the atrocious reasoning and blindness to hypocrisy common among people who have chosen to ground their sense of their moral identity in aligning with the “Look at me! I hate Trump too!” group-think.
It was YOU guys who did as you were told and treated this politically motivated leaking by biased media of a crude comment to a buddy in the back of a bus made in private 10 years before Trump ran for office as if it was a big deal. And now that we have this political enemy of Trump who is deliberately using this vulgar and profane expression to describe her political opponent in a public address to her supporters and who is receiving justifiable condemnation for it…. YOU guys are openly demonstrating what hypocrites you are and how you are all completely devoid of any principles by trying to justify it and by supporting her.
It’s always the same thing… the more you guys try to rationalize your positions the more you prove that it’s YOU who are the unethical, self-serving and the intellectually barren ones. NOT the people you like telling yourselves are your moral and intellectual inferiors.