An old timey conservative gets elected Premier in Ontario… Canada’s largest province by population… home to the country’s biggest, richest and most important city…. my home town of Toronto… and the usual suspects lose their collective minds.
Some of us are old enough to remember when every election represented something other than the pivotal moment in human history when an enlightened society chose the path to ultimate Utopian fulfilment or the barbarians snatched power away from the sole possessors of ultimate truth to fulfill their goal of generating hell on Earth.
It used to be that your guy won and you were pleased or the other guy won and you thought… ‘Oh great. I have to put up with these jokers for the next four years.” That’s basically the way people thought about it.
Adults were so much more… adult at that time.
It wasn’t that long ago… but something has changed. And not for the better. We live in an era in which people mistake the indulgence in collective hysteria, sanctimony and emotionalism for insight and moral propriety.

The screenshot above is an actual post that appeared on my Facebook feed from a ‘friend’. The message is unequivocal: “You don’t share my political opinions and ideological convictions? Then everything else about you is irrelevant: You are unworthy of my friendship.”
And of course, all of the people who are so eager to equate not sharing their opinions on politics with being a despicable human being are the ‘progressive‘ folks who self-identify as the morally excellent, compassionate, preternaturally tolerant, loving, caring and enlightened class. But if you dare to not affirm the perfection of their opinions and ideological interpretations they won’t hesitate to assess your very humanity as inherently inferior to their own.
Tanya, below, is responding to the article in the Globe and Mail and the election of Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservative Party. The premise of the thread was established by commentator Peter G who basically proposed that if you didn’t vote for the far Left Liberal Party who have been in power for 15 years (whose leader, Kathleen Wynne, Jordan Peterson called “the most dangerous woman in Canada”) or the even farther Left socialist NDP party… then you were endorsing the plans of an evil “millionaire” who wants to hurt the poor and destroy education.
Peter G: “The millionaire will go after social services, education, and the working poor. Say goodbye to the social contract in Ontario.”
This is despite the fact that the legacy of the Liberals’ time in government is a provincial debt of $320,000,000,000 with $12.3 billion a year just in interest payments alone. Ontario is the largest sub-sovereign holder of debt in the world. The province’s debt is larger than the GDP of 75 per cent of the world’s countries. There’s the disastrous handling of the electricity file in the province resulting in the highest rates on the North American continent. Ontario had the lowest median household income growth of all the provinces between 2007 and 2016. Only last year they promised three years of balanced budgets and then released a budget earlier this year that guaranteed 6 more years of deficit. The Liberal’s time in office was marked by numerous scandals, criminal charges, the imposition of divisive ideological social policies and multi-billion dollar boondoggles.
The NDP thinks they weren’t radical enough.
But none of that matters because they care, you see! The fact that the people who are hurt the most by their corruption, manipulations and incompetence are the very people they claim to care so much about is irrelevant. It’s about how it makes ‘progressive’ voters feel about themselves to be able to say ‘I support the politicians who really really care about people!’
Tanya: “I don’t have a problem with a country and its people taking care of the marginalized and less fortunate among them. It’s human, ethical and respectful.”
The point that Tanya was making here is that if you don’t agree with her political opinions it means that you want a country that is the opposite of human, ethical and respectful. So I responded:
Going to Getugly: “Except you people don’t actually care about “the marginalized and less fortunate”….because those are the people who are most hurt when the cost of living rises, when taxes increase, when the cost of electricity and heating go through the roof, when billions of tax dollars are squandered and when the economy eventually tanks.
If you cared about those people you would be livid at political parties who have created those pressures on poor people and who promise to add to the problem while pushing the province off a fiscal cliff. So spare us your pronouncements of your sense of your own moral superiority Tanya. What Leftists ‘care about’ is their own ego and being able to tell themselves how incredibly wonderful, enlightened and morally excellent they are. That’s why they mindlessly support everything that’s marketed on the front end as ‘progressive’ and compassionate and then are completely indifferent to the real world results of those policies on the back end when they are implemented.”