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Poor from Middle East used as election props by Justin Trudeau now languishing?


According to the article, Mr.Sharbaji spent 4 YEARS in EGYPT before being dragged here by Trudeau in his attempt to win the ‘Canadian leader with the most refugees in the shortest time’ contest! ‘You’ll bring in 20,000 over the coming year? Well, WE will bring in 25,000 in the next two months! And that’s just for starters!’ 

Mr.Sharbaji wasn’t fleeing Syria! We took a guy who was safe from the war in Syria and established for years in Egypt… a country that is culturally, religiously, linguistically and geographically very similar to his own… and bribed him with Canadian taxpayer’s money into moving to bloody New Brunswick for God’s sake! A half-frozen, underpopulated piece of real estate on the edge of the North Atlantic with an Anglo-Celtic/Acadian cultural identity… a place that he’d never heard of in his life. In other words, a spot on the globe that couldn’t be less similar to where he’s from.

Surprise! Despite all the lobster, fiddleheads and dulce he can eat, he’s not very happy there!

Hurriedly importing people like Mr. Sharbaji and his family was not an act of benevolence or generosity on behalf of Trudeau’s Liberals. It was a deeply cynical political calculation to bolster Justin’s persona during an election campaign as the new loving, caring, compassionate, ‘progressive’ Canadian leadership choice. They used poor people who had left Syria (as in Sharbaji’s case, often years prior) and were living in other Middle Eastern countries (Egypt, Turkey) as props…. whose participation they bought with taxpayers money…. shipped them over and dispersed them around the country to impress the kind of naive, sentimental, easily manipulated Canadians who don’t distinguish feeling good about themselves from actually doing what’s best.

And guess what? It worked! At least it did for Trudeau. For Mr.Sharbaji…. not so much.


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