Rebuttals of the Week #32: Australian ‘progressives’ happy to see children used to advan
Paris Climate Change Accord and Elitist Hypocrisy
‘Rebuttal Of The Week!’ #9: Why do people who care about the environment not care about
Climate change science wrong again!
Quick thought: Carbon tax is based on a false premise, Part 2
Why do ‘progressives’ refuse to acknowledge that there are problems with the premise of
Women don’t like debating on television… so there must be something wrong with men
Climate change is an “Opinion-Product”
Man-made climate change supporters exhibit poor thinking skills. Coincidence?
Climate change is not about science….at least not for 99.999% of us
Rebutting Stefan Molyneux’s Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence YouTube Commen
Review of ‘Debate: Atheists vs Christians (Krauss + Shermer vs D’Souza + Hutchinson)R