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Jan 18, 20181 min read
Telling the most inclusive, tolerant and welcoming people in the history of human civilisation how u
“It’s time the federal government designates Jan. 29 as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia so that we take the...

Jan 15, 20182 min read
Fake News: National media hypes bogus ‘hate crime’ story
(link to the story here: Reported hijab attack on 11-year-old girl ‘did not happen,’ Toronto police say ) This was national headline news...

Aug 5, 20173 min read
Rebuttals of the Week#11: Why ‘progressives’ hate reality
Poor old Tony Abbott just can’t catch a break it seems. He makes some completely benign, not uncommon, absolutely reasonable pro-marriage...

Apr 16, 20153 min read
Rebutting Stefan Molyneux’s Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence YouTube Commen
I have a lot of time for Stefan Molyneux. He has a ferocious intellect and is clearly fearless in expressing decidedly contrarian views...

Apr 14, 20151 min read
Review of ‘Debate: Atheists vs Christians (Krauss + Shermer vs D’Souza + Hutchinson)R
Lawrence Krauss and Michael Shermer are at it again in this tag-team effort pitting the super-atheists against the stubbornly religious...
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