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Nov 15, 20161 min read
Anyone else feeling relieved these people lost?
The more self-serving, reason-free hysteria I see of the kind the author of this grotesque Slate screed has indulged in the more relieved...

Nov 12, 20161 min read
A ‘Progressive’ reacts to the US election results
#feminism #SJW #politics #ABC #WashingtonPost #socialjustice #society #racism #socialjusticewarriors #politicalcorrectness #DonaldTrump...

Nov 7, 20163 min read
Mainstream media: ‘Boo hoo! No one appreciates us!’
Reid: Curse Mainstream Media (MSM) all you like, but beware the Alt-Right even more You know you’re in for some fair and balanced...

Oct 14, 20164 min read
Rebuttals of the Week! #5: Metaphorical shark… meet your trans/non-binary/twin spirited/ gende
There was a rare sighting last week of what had long been thought to be merely a creature of myth and fantasy. No… it wasn’t bigfoot, a...

Oct 9, 20161 min read
Climate change science wrong again!
Man-made climate change ‘science’ seems to be unique among scientific disciplines in that it doesn’t matter how consistently it generates...

Oct 7, 20161 min read
Quick thought: Carbon tax is based on a false premise, Part 2
I’m astonished that Andrew Coyne would present such an atrociously anti-rational argument as this: ” But if you accept, even as a...

Oct 6, 20161 min read
Quick thought: Carbon tax is based on a false premise… but we’re doing it anyway.
Read article at: Kelly McParland: Trudeau’s carbon plan means Canadians will pay more for a tax that will have very little impact Rather...

Aug 30, 20163 min read
How to beat the ‘progressive-Left’ and ‘Rebuttals of the Week’!
There are basically two kinds of people. First, there are those who are intellectually courageous and free thinking. These are people who...

Mar 16, 20162 min read
Why do ‘progressives’ refuse to acknowledge that there are problems with the premise of
A recent column in the Ottawa Citizen posed the question, “Conservatives and climate change just don’t mix. But why not?” The author of...
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