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Sep 15, 20165 min read
Rebuttals of the week! #4: How do you drive ‘progressives’ crazy? Ask them to prove thei
One thing that seems to catch ‘progressives’ completely off-guard is asking them to support their opinions and assertions. You often get...

Sep 13, 20161 min read
Hillary’s health: final nail in the coffin of mainstream media
The so called ‘credible’ mainstream media not only ignored and suppressed this issue for months… they went out of their way to attack and...

Aug 30, 20163 min read
How to beat the ‘progressive-Left’ and ‘Rebuttals of the Week’!
There are basically two kinds of people. First, there are those who are intellectually courageous and free thinking. These are people who...

Aug 29, 20163 min read
YOU’RE NEXT! The ‘politically correct’ are eating our brains!
There is something particularly creepy about the push-back against the push-back against political correctness. It’s like the...

Jun 25, 20161 min read
BREXIT – You say you want a revolution!
Congratulations to the people of Great Britain. For the first time in our lifetime, the majority population of an entire nation has...

Mar 29, 20162 min read
Animal welfare activism or anti-Western, misanthropic impulse?
The following post is a critique of this recent column from Huffington Post Canada : How Our Cultural Narcissism Is Killing The Planet...

Mar 16, 20162 min read
Why do ‘progressives’ refuse to acknowledge that there are problems with the premise of
A recent column in the Ottawa Citizen posed the question, “Conservatives and climate change just don’t mix. But why not?” The author of...

Feb 10, 20164 min read
HuffPost article an example of feminist/progressive lack of principles
Of the many confounding, infuriating characteristics that “progressives”/feminists/the Left embody, their apparent total disregard for...

Feb 9, 20161 min read
Women don’t like debating on television… so there must be something wrong with men
It seems not a lot of women want to appear as a panel member on the Australian current affairs TV show Q&A. Apparently, this is a serious...

Feb 5, 20161 min read
Your government has a message for you…… “IT’S NEVER OKAY!”
Want to know how your political leaders really think of you? Just look at the “public service” propaganda they produce to influence your...

Feb 5, 20161 min read
Climate change is an “Opinion-Product”
Our little epoch is marked by a tendency for people to adopt and internalize prepackaged opinions on all sorts of subjects for all sorts...

Feb 5, 20161 min read
Peter Hitchens’ exquisite advice for everyone under 35 and all “progressives” in g
“They have mistaken one thing for another: They have mistaken speculation and opinion for certainty and fact. They’ve mistaken their own...

Feb 5, 20161 min read
More proof that feminists, “progressives” and the Left in general are beyond taking seri
Seriously folks, it is becoming more and more evident that the world is dividing between the inheritors of the Western Enlightenment and...

Jan 3, 20162 min read
Climate change is not about science….at least not for 99.999% of us
For everyone on the planet other than the miniscule fraction who get paid by government to study it, global climate change is not an...

Apr 21, 20156 min read
The documentary ‘The Unbelievers’ and why overvaluing scientists is never a good idea
If you need a demonstration of why overvaluing science in our culture is a problem and why elevating the status of scientists out of all...

Apr 16, 20153 min read
Rebutting Stefan Molyneux’s Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence YouTube Commen
I have a lot of time for Stefan Molyneux. He has a ferocious intellect and is clearly fearless in expressing decidedly contrarian views...

Apr 15, 20154 min read
Questioning Climate Science: a sign of sanity in an increasingly mad world
I don’t believe climate scientists can do what they claim to be able to do. There. I said it. Let the angry mobs assemble – but please,...

Apr 14, 20151 min read
Review of ‘Debate: Atheists vs Christians (Krauss + Shermer vs D’Souza + Hutchinson)R
Lawrence Krauss and Michael Shermer are at it again in this tag-team effort pitting the super-atheists against the stubbornly religious...
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