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Apr 23, 20201 min read
Rebuttals of the Week #53: Coronalogic: Government getting predictions wrong proves they were right.
Anger in Sweden as elderly pay price for ‘light touch’ strategy in response to #coronavirus. Staff with no masks or sanitiser fear for...

Mar 9, 20204 min read
Canada vs Australia: Polar opposite response to COVID 19
Canada and Australia are very similar in many ways. They are both vast countries with small populations. They are Commonwealth nations...
Jun 21, 20181 min read
Video: Australian feminists shift focus from murder victim to themselves
In this video I discuss how feminists and the media in Australia used the tragic murder of Eurydice Dixon to promote divisive ideological...

Apr 29, 20182 min read
State media in Canada and Australia use Toronto tragedy to promote the same ideological narrative
This is a great demonstration of how the mainstream media in the English speaking world are now essentially a single entity that...

Feb 28, 20183 min read
Going to Getugly Censored By Facebook For Criticizing Feminism!
Yes folks… if you are critical of feminists and mention the objective fact that they are women you will be reprimanded by Facebook, have...

Aug 5, 20173 min read
Rebuttals of the Week#11: Why ‘progressives’ hate reality
Poor old Tony Abbott just can’t catch a break it seems. He makes some completely benign, not uncommon, absolutely reasonable pro-marriage...

Jul 27, 20173 min read
Rebuttals of the week #10: Dear all feminists… The Handmaid’s Tale isn’t happening
It seems the new TV version of Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood’s book The Handmaid’s Tale  is severing what remaining threads once...

Mar 29, 20171 min read
Progressive Left continues to eat itself alive!
In this video I look at how it was inevitable that an ideology based on the unquestionable credibility of infinitely finer and finer...

Mar 9, 20172 min read
Happy International Condescending to Women Day!
Another International Women’s Day has come and gone… along with any number of marches, speeches full of platitudes and bromides, a call...

Nov 13, 20163 min read
Rebuttals of the Week#6: Annoying Self-Righteous Canadian Alert!
ANNOYING SELF-RIGHTEOUS CANADIAN ALERT! No… not Justin Trudeau. Or even David Suzuki. Although both would easily qualify. No, this time...

Oct 9, 20161 min read
Climate change science wrong again!
Man-made climate change ‘science’ seems to be unique among scientific disciplines in that it doesn’t matter how consistently it generates...

Feb 9, 20161 min read
Women don’t like debating on television… so there must be something wrong with men
It seems not a lot of women want to appear as a panel member on the Australian current affairs TV show Q&A. Apparently, this is a serious...

Jan 10, 20164 min read
Man-made climate change supporters exhibit poor thinking skills. Coincidence?
Emphatic supporters of the climate change establishment all seem to share the same grab-bag of rhetorical tactics, logical fallacies,...
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