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Feb 5, 20161 min read
Peter Hitchens’ exquisite advice for everyone under 35 and all “progressives” in g
“They have mistaken one thing for another: They have mistaken speculation and opinion for certainty and fact. They’ve mistaken their own...

Apr 21, 20156 min read
The documentary ‘The Unbelievers’ and why overvaluing scientists is never a good idea
If you need a demonstration of why overvaluing science in our culture is a problem and why elevating the status of scientists out of all...

Apr 16, 20153 min read
Rebutting Stefan Molyneux’s Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence YouTube Commen
I have a lot of time for Stefan Molyneux. He has a ferocious intellect and is clearly fearless in expressing decidedly contrarian views...

Apr 14, 20151 min read
Review of ‘Debate: Atheists vs Christians (Krauss + Shermer vs D’Souza + Hutchinson)R
Lawrence Krauss and Michael Shermer are at it again in this tag-team effort pitting the super-atheists against the stubbornly religious...
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